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Re: [MiNT] debugging bug?


On Mon, Sep 06, 1999 at 09:52:39PM +0200, Jörg Westheide wrote:
> Hi!
> While debugging with Paral I noticed that it has a problem with basrel
> compiled programs: it shows no disassembling =:-)
> The reason seems to be that the text segment of these programs has size 0
> (IIRC this is a "feature" of MiNT's handling of shared text).
> Can anyone state that this is a bug in MiNT and it's debugging facility?

I can state that it isn't because gdb is able to debug mbaserel programs.

> And even more interesting: Does anyone know how to get around this?

Hm, look in the gdb sources.  AFAIK one register (a6?) holds the address
of the text segment and is never changed.  I don't know how to calculate
the size of the text segment but that shouldn't be important for
debugging.  If Paral knows the program file it can look it up in the

