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Re: [MiNT] Sparemint announcement


On Wed, Sep 08, 1999 at 07:50:44AM +0300, Martin-Eric Racine wrote:
> Severela german uni specify it in their ftp's motd.

You know the difference between limiting the number of ftp users, and
"limiting the bandwidth", don't you?

Anyway, it /is/ a rumour (willingly limited bandwith in the WiN/DFN for
outside users). The actual problem is that the (B-)WiN has very limited
connectivity to the rest of the Internet, even to the rest of the
German part. So, daytime traffic will seriously limit the availability
of services in the WiN from other countries, as it is the other way



Thomas Binder (Gryf @ IRCNet)  gryf@hrzpub.tu-darmstadt.de
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