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Re: [MiNT] Detecting serial-devices

On Thu, 7 Oct 1999, Jo Even Skarstein wrote:

> I don't like this idea. Firstly, such information depends more on drivers
> than hardware, so every time you upgrade a driver you would have to make
> sure to "scan" again. Secondly, to use this information from applications
correct, how often do you really upgrade driver? every session?
I see it just like a video driver with definitions in it.
videl inside, nvdi etc. Quite simple imo.

I believe in the same theory, everytime you switch ISP you need to edit
your /etc/resolv.conf   is that expected? I believe so.

> you need some sort of API to access it. Is this easier than asking the
> devices directly?
a simple parser that can even be writen in sh or GFA basic, just need to
parse the ascii file to get your info. I don't see any problem here.

> Speed isn't a problem either, this is not something you do thousands of
> times every second. It's done when you start your program, or at most
> every time you open a popup. And even then I can't imagine that reading
> a file would be faster...
basically, everytime you run the program it will do the same scan over and
over even if you havn't updated your hardware/driver, no big deal. 
That was just a proposition which makes sense in other OSes/environment. 
It seems it is not appropriate for MiNT and serial. 
Got any better idea?

MiNT Is Now TOS, let's move on, shall we?  /