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RE: [MiNT] Olga, QED, and aMAIL...?

> I've installed both sendmail and smail myself, and didn't have any
> serious problems (none at all with smail). But think about it - are
> these good solutions for a normal person who only wants to read mail?
Think about this, then: is a mint setup a good solution for someone who
only wants to read mail? PPP-Connect/STi{K,NG}/I-Connect are other 
solutions along with the various clients, that are designed to do just
that. Don't get me wrong, I think a mint setup, in any way, shape or form
is a great thing, but why sell someone a Rolls Royce, when all they need
is a pair of sandals.

Hopefully, through your 'MiNT-for-Newbies' distribution, people might then
want to get into mint a bit more. And why, then, should we discourage them
from having a multi-user setup and all the good things that go with that?


John Blakeley