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[MiNT] UUCP problem...

I wish that someone could suggest something about this problem but maybe
it is not really possible to do that in this case?

The problem is that since the kernel version around 1.15.0 (although it is
so long ago I cannot remember well) the UUCP started to work unreliably.
uux would crash at random. Fortunately it is still usable, because if the
crash occurs simply running the program again is likely to work ok
(althogh sometimes a crash does occur several times in a row). This was
with the Taylor UUCP 1.04 from KGMD.

Lately I got Taylor UUCP 1.06.1 and it compiled without any modifications,
but the crashes are even worse. What happens now is that the same crash as
above occurs, but additionally it affects other non-UUCP-related programs
which, after a day or so, also start to crash in a similar way. They
usually crash around a similar address which, with memory protection off,
is 12519C2 to 12519C6 in this case (it varies within approximately those
limits from session to session or crash to crash). It doesn't matter which
program crashes, the crash always happens at that address. The crash
causes an illegal instruction exception.

With memory protection enabled, it is almost the same except that it
crashes with a memory violation, access address = 12C0000 . Again, the
same regardless of which program it is that crashed.

Taylor UUCP doesn't have to be running at the time when the crash occurs,
it is enough that some UUCP programs were loaded in the past.

So the question is, what kind of failure would cause any number of
different programs to crash, always in the same way, and even if memory
protection is enabled?

I hope that someone more familiar with MiNT might have some ideas as to
what is wrong or how to diagnose it. It seems difficult to diagnose since
it is not possible to predict when a crash will occur, although they
often seem to come in groups, and get worse over time.

| Mario Becroft           * Tariland, New Zealand Atari User Group      |
| mb@gem.win.co.nz        * Atari Hardware Developments:                |
| http://gem.win.co.nz/   * NEW: QWERTYX - PC AT Keyboard Interface     |