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Re: [MiNT] timezone change

> I am not very happy with automatic DST change - at work I run several
> operating systems (Linux, W98, WNT) and this week _all_ of them decided to
> move my clock one hour again. WNT even moved it twice. So now my clock is
> totally wrong. Wouldn't it be better to let me, as the user, decide when
> and in what operating system I want to change the time? Especially with
> TOS/MagiC as single user systems...

This is exactly why all Unixes want RTC in UTC. If your RTC ticks in UTC
and the OS itself simply remembers the offset, it simply has to remember
which offset to use at which time of the year. The clock will never be
set too often, and the question of "which operating system should change
the clock" is nonexistent. The problems occur when operating systems
like m$-dos, windoze, tos or magic start putting the RTC itself back and

Ergo: Either let your RTC tick in UTC, enjoy the automated time changes
and don't use cp/m-based operating systems (or let them think your
timezone is UTC and live with the fact that your clock is wrong when you
use them), or let your RTC tick in local time and manually adjust it.

I use the last solution myself, since I only use windoze on my PC or TOS
on my Ataris in rare cases, and when I do, I don't really care about the
time as long as it's consistent (ie I can see which file is newer etc).
