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Dear MiNTers,

As I wrote earlier, here is my report about segmenting the KGMD into 
original parts. I separated sources into different directories and 
added man-pages to the bin packages. I also moved the binaries inside 
the package to (I hope) correct fhs folders (so no /usr/etc, 
usr/ucb). I am going to build two (bin+src if available) rpm packages 
from each KGMD package (e.g. free, GNU-time, ...). So, for example, 
KGMD package inetd looks like this on my harddisk:
The following text is a list of the original packages with my 
comments. Generally I would like to know your comments to my 
comments. And in definite terms:

- In the packages with a SpareMiNT equivalent, are the file present 
in KGMD and missing in SpareMiNT (mkfifo, mknod) really important?

- Are the files which are in a collision with a file of the same name 
but from another packages (typically csize and fmt) really the same?

- Are the files listed in "Compiler - files missing in SpareMiNT" 
necessary for programmers? (Thus shall I include them to OSMD?)

- Are there more complete (incl. man pages, sources, ...) or newer 
versions of the KGMD parts which are not in SpareMiNT? (I know about 
virtual consoles for example) Where can I find them?

- Is somebody going to do a new SpareMiNT package containing SW I 
want to do "nKEMD" rpm package from?

- Any ideas about software neither in KGMD nor in SpareMiNT but (yet 
ported for MiNT) should be included in a new distribution (adduser, 

- Should I use the old (KGMD) init-1.4.1 or the new (SpareMint's) 
mintinit? (there were problems to force virtual console running with 
anything else than init.prg from init-1.4.1)

- I found some KGMD packages (namely init and MiNT-Tols) not very 
logical in their structure (it is different than their Linux 
equivalents). In other cases single files from KGMD are on Linux 
grouped in a package (e.g. rsh, rlogin, rcp). So I suggest to 
reorganize them at the end of the text. Are my proposals correct? Any 
other proposals?

		Bohdan Milar

---------------cut ---------------

Report about separating KGMD into original parts:

"-" = the package is (wholy) a part of SpareMiNT:
	* files listed below with "+" are not in SpareMiNT but I think 
	they are not important
	* files listed below with "-" are not in SpareMiNT and I think 
	they are important
"+" = the package is not (yet) a part of SpareMiNT:
	* files listed below with "+" are not in a replacing FreeMiNT 
	archive but I think they are important
	* files listed below with "-" are in a SpareMiNT package, but I 
	think there is no conflict with the existing SpareMiNT file
"?" = some files of the package are in SpareMiNT and some not:
	* files listed below with "+" are not in SpareMiNT and I am not 
	sure whether they are important or not
	* files listed below with "-" are in a SpareMiNT package and I 
	am not sure whether there is a conflict or not
"#" = new MiNT/Linux package(s) replace(s) the old KGMD one
"=" = is a link to a file from the same package
"/fm" = is a FreeMiNT archive
"/rh" = is a RedHat package
"+ man" = man/info pages were added from KGMD section of manual
"- src" = package sources were stored in nkemd-src directory
* Only the KGMD sections of basic, net and relevant parts of manual 
are used (preffesionals from Czech Republic say that the whole new 
compiler is a part of SpareMiNT now and X11R5 is obsolete).
* In the list I ignore the contents of the usr/doc/KGMD/, /usr/src 
and /var folders.
* entirely deleted files:
* noticed fhs differencies between SpareMiNT and RedHat Linux:
	- *.rpm: /usr/doc # /usr/share/doc
	- *.rpm: /usr/info # /usr/share/info
	- <some>.rpm: /usr/man # /usr/share/man

### Basic packages ###

ash: ? (# ash/rh)
- /usr/bin/pwd (# sh-utils)
+ man
- src

bash-1.14.1: - (# bash)
- src

Berkley-more: + (# util-linux/rh)

bsplit: ? (# textutils)
- /bin/usr/bsplit
- src

cal: + (# util-linux/rh)
- src

clear/reset: - (# ncurses)
- src

click: +
- src

console: +
- src

crlf: - (# mint-util)

elm-2.4: ? (# elm, cleanfeed/rh)
+ /usr/bin/filter (# cleanfeed/rh)
+ /usr/lib/elm/*
+ /usr/share/man/man1/filter.1.gz
+ man
- src

elvis-1.8.3: ? (# vim, textutils)
+ /home/root/.exrc
+ /home/user/.exrc
- /usr/ucb/ctags (# vim)
+ /usr/ucb/elvis
+ /usr/ucb/elvprsv
+ /usr/ucb/elvrec
- /usr/ucb/ex (# vim)
- /usr/ucb/fmt (# textutils)
+ /usr/ucb/input
- /usr/ucb/ref (# vim)
- /usr/ucb/vi (# vim)
- /usr/ucb/view (# vim)
- /usr/share/man/man1/ctags.1.gz (# vim)
- /usr/share/man/man1/fmt.1.gz
+ man
- src

file: - (# file)
+ man

free: + (# procps/rh)
- src

GNU-awk-2.15.5: ? (# gawk)
+ /usr/share/info/gawk.info-1.gz
+ /usr/share/info/gawk.info-2.gz
+ /usr/share/info/gawk.info-3.gz
+ /usr/share/info/gawk.info-4.gz
+ /usr/share/info/gawk.info-5.gz
+ /usr/share/info/gawk.info-6.gz
+ /usr/share/info/gawk.info-7.gz
+ /usr/share/info/gawk.info-8.gz
+ /usr/share/info/gawk.info-9.gz
+ /usr/share/man/man1/awk.1.gz (# gawk:.../man1/awk.1)
+ man
- src

GNU-Fileutils-3.9: ? (# fileutils)
+ /usr/bin/mkfifo (# fileutils/rh)
+ /usr/bin/mknod (# fileutils/rh)
+ /usr/share/man/man1/mkfifo.1.gz (# fileutils/rh)
+ /usr/share/man/man1/mknod.1.gz (# fileutils/rh)
+ man
- src

GNU-findutils-4.1: - (# findutils)
+ man
- src

GNU-grep-2.0: - (# grep)
+ man

GNU-gzip-1.2.4: - (# gzip)
+ man

GNU-sed-1.14,2.04,2.05: - (# sed)
+ /usr/bin/sed-1.14 (= sed)
+ /usr/bin/sed-2.04 (= sed)
+ /usr/bin/sed-2.05 (= sed)
+ man
- src

GNU-Shellutililies-1.9.4: ? (# sh-utils)
+ /usr/bin/nice.gnu	(# sh-utils)
+ /usr/bin/su.gnu (= su)
+ /usr/bin/w (# procps/rh)
+ man
- src

GNU-tar-1.11.2: - (# tar)
+ man
- src

GNU-Textutilities-1.9: - (# textutils)
+ usr/ucb/rev (# util-linux/rh)
+ man
- src

GNU-time-1.6: + (# time/rh)
+ man

GNU-uuencode-1.0: + (# sharutils/rh)
+ man
- src

halt+reboot: ? (# mintinit)
- /usr/etc/halt.mint (# mintinit)
- src

init-1.4.1: ? (# fileutils, mintinit, mintnet, sysklogd, sh-utils, 
finger/rh, net-tools/rh, passwd/rh, talk/rh, util-linux/rh)
- /boot/multitos/init.prg (# mintinit)
- /etc/domainname.sample (# mintnet)
- /etc/host.conf (# mintnet)
- /etc/host.conf (# mintnet)
- /etc/hostname.in (# mintnet)
- /etc/hosts.allow (# mintnet)
- /etc/hosts.deny (# mintnet)
- /etc/hosts.equiv.sample (# mintnet)
- /etc/hosts.in (# mintnet)
- /etc/networks (# mintnet)
- /etc/resolv.conf.sample (# mintnet)
- /etc/services (# mintnet)
- /etc/syslog.conf (# sysklogd)
- /usr/bin/hostname -> hostname.sh	(# net-tools/rh)
- /usr/bin/hostname.bsd (# net-tools/rh)
- /usr/bin/hostname.sh (# net-tools/rh)
- /usr/bin/logger (# util-linux/rh)
- /usr/bin/login (# util-linux/rh)
- /usr/bin/mesg (# mintinit)
- /usr/bin/passwd.bsd (# passwd/rh)
+ /usr/bin/sendlog
- /usr/bin/su (# sh-utils)
- /usr/bin/su.bsd (# sh-utils)
- /usr/bin/sync (# fileutils)
- /usr/bin/wall (# mintinit)
- /usr/bin/who (# sh-utils; it is not present because is shared)
- /usr/bin/write (# util-linux/rh)
- /usr/etc/ac (# psacct/rh)
+ /usr/etc/getty
- /usr/etc/halt (# mintinit)
- /usr/etc/halt.bsd (# mintinit)
+ /usr/etc/makemotd
- /usr/etc/syslogd (# sysklogd)
- /usr/share/man/man1/su.1.gz (# sh-utils)
- /usr/ucb/finger.bsd (# finger/rh)
- /usr/ucb/last (# mintinit)
- /usr/ucb/talk.bsd (# talk/rh)
+ /usr/ucb/wlogin
+ /usr/ucb/wlogin.ttp (= wlogin)

lpdev: +
+ man
- src

less-252z: ? (# less)
+ /usr/share/misc/less.hlp
+ man
- src

Makevars: +

mgetty-0.23: ? (# mgetty, mgetty-sendfax, netpbm-progs)
+ /usr/etc/mgetty+sendfax/dialin.config
+ /usr/etc/mgetty+sendfax/login.config
+ /usr/etc/mgetty+sendfax/mgetty.config
+ man
- src

minixfs: ? (# freemint)
- /boot/nohog.acc
+ /usr/etc/csize (# mintbin)
- /usr/etc/mount
- /usr/etc/mount_mfs
- /usr/etc/umount
- src

MiNT-1.12.4: - (# freemint)
+ /boot/multitos/mintkgmd.cnf.in
+ man
- src

MiNT-Tools: ? (# sh-utils, procps/rh, util-linux/rh)
+ /usr/bin/limit
+ /usr/bin/ps.mint (# procps/rh)
+ /usr/bin/xkey
+ /usr/bin/kill (# util-linux/rh)
+ /usr/bin/top (# procps/rh)
+ /usr/bin/mintvers
- /usr/bin/nice.mint (# sh-utils)
+ /usr/bin/renice (# util-linux/rh)

newalert: +
- src

npasswd: + (# passwd/rh)
+ /usr/bin/npasswd
+ /usr/share/misc/npasswd.conf
+ /usr/share/misc/npasswd.motd
+ /usr/share/misc/npasswd.help
+ man

point: +
- src

procmail-3.10: - (# procmail)
+ /usr/libexec/mail.local -> ../bin/procmail
+ man
- src

ramfs-1.5: + (# nframfs/fm)

smail: ? (# smail, sendmail/rh)
+ /etc/aliases (# sendmail/rh)
+ /etc/smail/*
+ /usr/bin/uuwho
+ /usr/lib/smail/*
+ /usr/ucb/newaliases (# sendmail/rh)
+ /usr/share/man/man1/uuwho.1.gz
+ /usr/share/man/man8/getmap.8.gz
+ /usr/share/man/man8/mkline.8.gz
+ /usr/share/man/man8/mkpath.8.gz
+ /usr/share/man/man8/mkuuwho.8.gz
+ /usr/share/man/man8/pathmerge.8.gz
+ /usr/share/man/man8/savelog.8.gz
+ man
- src

strings: - (# binutils)
+ man
- src

SysV-echo: + (# sh-utils)
- /usr/bin/vecho (# sh-utils)

tcsh-6.05: +
+ man
- src

uptime: + (# procps/rh)
- src

vcon: ? (# vconsoles-0.9b/fm)
+ /usr/share/misc/ttyvfonts/
- src (ttyvdev)

Vixie-Cron-2.0: - (# vixie-cron)

which: - (# which)
+ man

wmail: - (# mailx)
+ /usr/bin/mailx (= mail)
+ /usr/lib/wmailrc (= /etc/mail.rc)
+ /usr/share/man/man1/wmail.1.gz
+ man
- src

zoo-2.10: +

### Net packages ###

finger: + (# finger/rh)
+ /usr/ucb/finger.net (# finger/rh)
+ /usr/share/man/man1/finger.net.1.gz
+ man

fingerd: +
+ man

ftp-03: - (# ftp)
+ man

ftpd-03: +
+ man

inetd-01: +
+ man

lpd-5.90: - (# LPRng/rh)
+ /usr/etc/lpc (# LPRng/rh)
+ /usr/etc/lptest
+ /usr/etc/pac
+ /usr/lib/lpd (# LPRng/rh)
+ /usr/lib/lpf (# LPRng/rh)
+ /usr/ucb/lpq (# LPRng/rh)
+ /usr/ucb/lpr (# LPRng/rh)
+ /usr/ucb/lprm (# LPRng/rh)
+ /usr/share/man/man1/lpq.1.gz (# LPRng/rh)
+ /usr/share/man/man1/lpr.1.gz (# LPRng/rh)
+ /usr/share/man/man1/lptest.1.gz
+ /usr/share/man/man8/lpc.8.gz (# LPRng/rh)
+ /usr/share/man/man8/lpd.8.gz (# LPRng/rh)
+ /usr/share/man/man8/pac.8.gz
+ man
- src

mintnet: ? (# freemint-net)
+ /boot/multitos/dummy.xif
+ /boot/multitos/oslip.xif
+ /etc/rc.net
+ man
- src

ncftp-1.9.2: - (# ncftp)
+ man
- src

nfs-0.50: ? (# freemint)
- /boot/multitos/nfs.xfs (# freemint)
- /usr/etc/mount_nfs (# freemint)
+ /usr/etc/nfsd (# nfs-utils/rh)
+ /usr/etc/rpc.mountd (# nfs-utils/rh)

nslookup-00: - (# bind-utils)
+ man

ntalk-01: + (# talk/rh, talk-server/rh)
+ man

ping-00: + (# iputils/rh)
+ man

ppp-2.1.2: - (# ppp)
+ /etc/ppp/samples/
+ man

rcp-00: + (# rhs/rh)
+ man

rdate-00: - (# rdate)

rlogin-02: + (# rsh/rh, rsh-server/rh)
+ man

rpc-01: + (# portmap/rh, glibc-common/rh, rusers-server/rh)

rsh-01: + (# rsh/rh, rsh-server/rh)
+ man

tcp_wrappers_7.2: - (# tcp_wrappers)
+ man
- src

telnet-01: + (# telnet/rh, telnet-server/rh)
+ man

traceroute: + (# traceroute/rh)

ytalk-302-01: + (# ytalk/rh)
+ man

### Man packages ### (only man bins and non-package doc)

GNU-groff-1.08: - (# groff, groff-perl)
+ man
- src

GNU-texinfo-3.6: - (# info, texinfo)
+ /usr/share/man/man1/info.1.gz (# info/rh)
+ /usr/share/info/makeinfo.info.gz (# texinfo/rh: makeinfo.1.gz)
+ man
- src

man-1.4c: - (# man)
+ man
- src

man-pages: - (/usr/share/man/man2 + /usr/doc/mint)

### Compiler - files missing in SpareMiNT

/usr/bin/bpatch	(~ KGMD/compiler)
/usr/bin/cflgs	(~ KGMD/compiler)
/usr/bin/cstk	(~ KGMD/compiler)
/usr/bin/fixstk	(~ KGMD/compiler)
/usr/bin/printstk	(~ KGMD/compiler)
/usr/bin/size68	(~ KGMD/compiler)
/usr/bin/sym-ld	(~ KGMD/compiler)
/usr/bin/toglclr	(~ KGMD/compiler)

### package proposals:

devide MiNT-Tools
devide init-1.4.1

rsh + rlogin + rcp = rsh
free + w (GNU-Shellutilities) + ps&top (MiNT-Tools) + uptime = procps
alert + cal + more + vecho + zoo + Makevars = KGMD-utils

separate client and server applications