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Re: [MiNT] EasyMint denies remote access


> When I try to telnet or ftp to my falcon from a remote machine, I get no login
> or getty.  I just get (connection refused).

This is simply because no server daemons are installed and activated by
default. You need to download the telnet-server package, enable this
service in /etc/inetd.conf and must start inetd (at bootup or later).

> Likewise when trying to launch a
> remote Xwin client with DISPLAY='my.ip.addy:0.0' (under the GEM Xserver).
> Pinging the Falcon from remote sites returns packets as it should.  I just can't
> access.

I don't understand. You want to start a X11 application on a remote
machine and display let it display on the Falcon or the other way?

> Could someone please direct me to documentation, or explain here, how to setup
> mintnet so that it accepts remote logins and other such network activity?

It's mostly the same as under every other Unix. Just installing,
configuring and running the services you want.


e-Mail: fnaumann@freemint.de