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Re: [MiNT] fVDI and ARAnyM (was: Re: Shutdown() discussion)

>>> This is interesting notice IMHO (redirect to BIOS - reentrancy?).
>> How a reeentrancy or no-reentrancy can be an issue here?
> Well, not exactly reentrancy, but exception handler call from within
> another exception handler might bring problems. I don't know.

Well, not "call", but "pass down". When you install your exception handler,
you save its old value, and when your handler decides to not to handle the
exception, it simply does a jmp to the address pointed to by the old vector.
I cannot imagine how this could create problems.

>> Not much. I have to run FVDI from the auto folder.
> Could you describe why you have to?

Because I need a vector-font GDOS. So I need to use NVDI. This only works
when NVDI is loaded after the fVDI. And NVDI can only be loaded from the
auto folder.

Konrad M.Kokoszkiewicz, http://draco.atari.org

** Ea natura multitudinis est, aut seruit humiliter, aut superbe dominatur.
** Taka to już natura pospólstwa, albo służalczo się płaszczy,
** albo bezczelnie się panoszy. (T. Liuius XXIV, 25).