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Re: [MiNT] freemint 1.16.0b stability

> Btw. would be nice if you use the bugtracker.
ok, i forgot there's this option, or the future i know what to do:)
> What do you mean with 'crash' if there is no exception message? If it 
> terminate abnormally you'll see an exception message (beside you set 
> DEBUG_LEVEL to 0).
I use the DEBUG_LEVEL set in attached minf.cnf so if it
level 0, i use level 0:)... and crash = aniplayer goes down and music stops
in 1 second loop for forever.. only reset helps here.

> Do you run it on a ct60? On ct60 memory protection is disabled by default 
> and you can't get memory violations. Or what system do you have?
i use the hack you(or draco - i don't remember) gave me as hint - i just
"deactivate" pmmu. it's really lame solution - i just rewrite 'PMMU' to
'FAKE' :)
> >- keys in mint: yes, that's great, ctrl+alt+del works like warm start,
> >but... it seems all the key inputs are blocked or what... i can't break
> >fsck, i can't use interact programs during boot(for example: error occured,
> >press any key - NO WAY)...
> I'll investigate this.
this appears in all .16 kernels i ever tried

> To say it again, EDITOBJC.SLB is a MagiC specific slb. You can't use it 
> under FreeMiNT (or you do it on your own risk but don't complain about 
> it).
hmm... but what can i do then? jinnee complains about its miss under
1.16(and to say again: ONLY under 1.16)
> And ext2 work casesensitive. So if an application loookup 'EDITOBJC.SLB' 
> it must be in upper case on ext2 (together with the complete path). It's 
> not possible to work around this as this is an explicit feature of ext2 
> (you can for example have several different files with names EDITOBJC.SLB, 
> editobjc.slb, EditObjc.slb, EditObjc.SLB and so on; all this in one 
> directory on ext2).
believe me, i'm maybe new to mint, but i know what is the case-sensitive
thing:) I tried evrything - exec bits, upper/lower case etc etc... then,
tada, i've got no error msg on 1.16 ALPHA... and now... it's here again:) So
the bug is in cfg parsing, i didn't change anything except the kernel

> Please, can you make a small example and put into the bugtracker? This 
> would be very helpful.
as i wrote, i'll do some more tests, i'll place it there then.
> That's why 1.15.12 is a 'stable' release and 1.16.0 is a 'beta'
> release :-)
:-) I just wanted to know if there's somebody with the same problems


MiKRO         Atari XE/XL/Mega STE/Falcon060         http://mikro.atari.org