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Re: [MiNT] Bug located, not in pppd

Talking to myself again, I did look. Inet4 was most of sockdev in 1.15, and now it is all by itself, some of sockdev having moved elsewhere, or been deleted as unnecessary.

Inet4 has exactly the same amount of buffer space as sockdev has, and the same imbedded text strings. So nothing practical has changed between the two, and using 1.16 instead of 1.15 will do nothing for the bug that troubles me. One quick solution might be to reserve_buf for 32k instead of 16k.

On Sun, 29 Aug 2004, Jim DeClercq wrote:

I know I am replying to myself. It may be easier that way.

So I am in no hurry to do something of not much value, but will look at the corresponding code in 1.16, which probably has the same problem, which means that 1.16 will not work any better than 1.15 in this area.
