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[MiNT] Mint 1.16.0 boot problems

Hello guys!

About a week ago I installed EasyMint 1.52.
Then I experimented with the Mint 1.16.0 kernel.

I switched frequently between kernel 1.15.12,
1.16.0 and my MagiC setup.

Since last Thursday a strange problem occured:

I can no longer boot the XAAES with the MINT 1.16 kernel.

Here are the messages that I get when booting
the 1.16.0 kernel:
Starting up the idle process  (pid 0) ... done!
Reading 'u:/c/mint/1-16-0/mint.cnf' ...
1873 bytes done.

Installing BIOS keyboard table ... AKP code 1.
Loading unicode table 'u:/c/mint/1-16-0/unicode.tbl' ...
error -33

No init program specified to be started.

Starting up 'u:/c/mint/1-16-0/sh.tos' ...
error -33

Giving up, reverting to internal shell.
Here is my MINT.CNF:
-----------------cut here ------------------------------

# KERN_SECURITY_LEVEL= enables the appropriate security level:
# 0 - recommended for single user setups, like MultiTOS (default).
# 1 - recommended for multiuser setups, like KGMD.
# 2 - full protection, unsupported by software, thus discouraged.

# The default is the console.

# KERN_BIOSBUF controls how BIOS I/O is performed.

# Here are some commands that you can give to MiNT:
# alias d: path -- make a fake "drive" that actually points to the 
#                  given path
# cd path       -- changes MiNT's default directory
# echo message  -- print something on the screen
# exec program  -- runs a program; you must give the complete path
#                  and file extensions (e.g. c:/bin/echo.prg)
# include file  -- include another portion of the MINT.CNF file.
# sln path link -- make a symbolic link named "link" pointing to "path"
#                  "link" must be on drive U: for this to work
# Setting up the root filesystem for UNIX environment

sln d:/bin      u:/bin
sln d:/boot     u:/boot
sln d:/etc      u:/etc
sln d:/home     u:/home
sln d:/lib      u:/lib
sln d:/mnt      u:/mnt
sln d:/opt      u:/opt
sln d:/root     u:/root
sln d:/sbin     u:/sbin
sln d:/tmp      u:/tmp
sln d:/usr      u:/usr
sln d:/var      u:/var

# start Draconis to MiNT-Net gateway
#exec u:/boot/mint/mgw.prg

# start Gluestik
#exec u:/boot/mint/gluestik.prg

# start XaAES

# The "echo" command is really straightforward.
echo Setup complete, now booting the system...
--------------------------cut here -------------------------------

The XA-Loader is in the specified directory - I also entered
a different file as init (sh.tos), but the error messages
stay the same.

It seems that somehow the kernel lost his ability to parse
the CNF file correctly. I checked my CNF in hexmode looking for
strange characters, but didn't find anything...

What is wrong here? 
