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Re: [MiNT] XaAES + blitter

> XaAES would use the VDI for its drawing operations.
I had that feeling :-)
> Some VDI's have been able to turn the use of the blitter on and off.
> IIRC, that was the case for the original VDIs (once they began
> supporting the blitter at all), but notably not the Falcon VDI (which
> is blitter only), and I think NVDI can do it too (it can definitely
> work without the blitter).
yes, nvdi doesn't use blitter for sure - there was similar problem in ct2,
so it was recommended replacement for correct running of ct2, iirc.
> hardware. The support for monochrome mode and Falcon TC should be
> pretty decent, but for 2/4/8 bitplanes it's mostly non-existant.
this is really bad :( So nvdi is the only option?


MiKRO         Atari XE/XL/Mega STE/Falcon060         http://mikro.atari.org