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Re: [MiNT] Re[3]: usage of wind_calc()

Geez, here we go again.
How do you run applications written in 1992 for win95 in windows XP?
most of them won't work, even with the attempt of the emulation layer. MANY apps won't work.
Vice versa,  How do you run a new app written for windows XP in windows 95?
As far as linux, you must be kidding, they changed SO MANY times their libs that their apps needs to be recompiled all the time. Thank god for the source and compiler to be available. And STILL, some need rewrite for newer kernels and different distributions sometimes.
The only reason someone would need to reboot and run magic, is if that apps ONLY behaves correctly in magic, or singletos whatever the case may be.
For newer applications only working on xaaes (future releases), same thing, if someone needs to use it, they will have to restart the machine to load xaaes.
Am I missing something here?
Your comment about windows XP, linux and osX is just a lie.
Apps have to be tailored to those OS, otherwise they won't work right.
This thread is hard enough to follow and come to an agreement at the end to make something worthwhile, please try not to pollute it with lies, that just agravates people and lengthen the process for no reason.
Please don't tell me I'm insane, no profanity needed.

Evan Langlois <Evan@CoolRunningConcepts.com> wrote:
On Thu, 2005-07-14 at 12:23 -0700, Frederic Fouche wrote:
> Do you understand that your request is utopistic?

No it isn't. I don't have to reboot my Linux box to run different
programs. Most people running Windows XP might have to reboot for a
system upgrade, but the vast majority of users aren't frequently
rebooting, nor does changing applications require a reboot.

> How do you explain that big coorporations and thousands of developers
> are not able to create the thing you wish? and consider that their

You are insane! The three major operating systems out there, XP, Linux,
and OS X, all run fine without some boot selector forcing the user to
switch to another OS version for compatibility with different

> customers are MUCH more important than the Atari user base (money
> wise). They get PISSED everytime they have to upgrade, for every
> upgrade (as tiny as it is), they have to test it for months to make

Pissed to upgrade? People are pissed when they have to pay for an
upgrade to fix bugs, but I upgrade things frequently. Linux changes so
frequently that upgrades are common and often. In Gentoo linux, you can
upgrade as often as you wish, even daily.

emerge -u world

And the whole system is upgraded! No need for a reboot unless you
recompile your kernel and wish to run the new one, which is only as
frequent as you desire - normally when some hardware driver is
introduced that you wish to use that isn't in your current kernel tree,
and many drivers are outside the kernel and so you can recompile them
and autoload the driver without a reboot.

> sure it is not going to break something else. The testing phase cost
> them MUCHO money everytime.

It might make you feel better to believe that the rest of the world has
to jump through hoops to run a new application, but that simply isn't
the case.

> Show me an OS in the world that fulfill your requirements.

XP, OS X, Linux

And hopefully MiNT+XaAES very soon.

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