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Re: [MiNT] Null modem connection, slip or ppp

Le Sat, 29 Apr 2006 11:15:58 +0200
Adam K__obukowski <atari@gabo.pl> a écrit:

> > Now I use current freemint cvs kernel (without hsmodem), but I can't
> > setup any connection on the mint side.
> 1. Burn hsmodem, use FreeMiNT drivers instead. I had problems with
> 1.16 slip.xdd (data transfer stalled after few kb) so I used 1.15.12
> slip.xdd

This is why I said I use current freemint-cvs without hsmodem, but I did
not try using 1.15.12 slip.xdd driver.

Obviously, noone bothered debugging slip/ppp null-modem usage under
recent kernels.

> 3. Falcon rs232 chip does not have buffering. I found 115200 speed to
> be very unreliable on std Falcon and not reliable even with CT060.
> 57600 is much more reliable and useable speed (in fact in mater of
> succesfully transferred packets, even faster).

In fact, I tried some years ago a 115200 speed between 2 falcons
(1.15.12+hsmodem), and it was ok as long as no aes was running (i.e.
they were both running under text console).

Patrice Mandin
WWW: http://pmandin.atari.org/
Programmeur Linux, Atari
Spécialité: Développement, jeux