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Re: [MiNT] coreutils & findutils


On Tuesday 29 January 2008, Mark Duckworth wrote:
> I already ported a recent coreutils if you want the rpm/scripts.  I
> ported a LOT of those packages.  But unfortunately things like procps
> will need lots of changes to be compatible.  To be honest I'd love a
> "top" implementation that is just as functional as on linux.

Btw. Busybox includes nowadays (pretty crappy [1]) "top".  Has anybody
though about building a new Busybox for MiNT:

It's starting to be fairly compatible with GNU tools, although I still
wouldn't use it for doing shell stuff needed by autotools as several tools
(such as find) are lacking quite a lot of options compared to GNU utils:

Another "top" alternative would be "htop" (much nicer than top from
psutils), but I guess it's even more Linux specific:

	- Eero

[1] Busybox "ps" is pretty crappy too.  It just ignores options
     instead of giving errors for things it doesn't recognize...