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Re: [MiNT] GCC 4.2.2

Mark Duckworth wrote:
MiKRO wrote:

    I am using Vincent/Mikro/etc gcc patch off vincent's website and I
    am on
    a 100% certain fresh gcc source tree.  The patch applies fine but
    when I
    go to build I get this:

this is really strange, have never seen this. only thing i can imagine -- start afros "easymint edition", install std/basic/dev packages and try it. I use this for nearly every gcc test but of course also my Falcon setup. As Vincent pointed out, you may have something wrong with your freemint configuration.
I need to test to be sure, but I think this is may be a hostfs issue. i will try on one of the build farm machines to see what it does (that uses PARTITION support in aranym and actually has enough space)


Could this have something to do with the mintlib patch I used on vincent's site? It seems to go into \r \n handling in great detail perhaps that was that TOS carriage return handling issue.
