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Re: [MiNT] gcc 4.2.2 compile error

Guys, this is more serious problem then I thought.

After some experiments I came to the solution I wont be trying to
patch every file during the compilation process (either manually or
via some script -- btw there are some files, i.e. top_dir/gcc/cc1
which can't be patched -- there's crc controlled during the build so
it falls into default 24K stack which is really small compared to
2.95's cc1 which is 960K) but I patch ... mintlib ofcourse! It's true
there's that strange behaviour with 'stack' command (unable to set big
numbers) but who cares now, right? ;)

So, try this: go to mintlib/mintlib/stksize.c, set _stksize to let's
say (2L * 1024L * 1024L), type make and... wait. First program which
will use this new mintlib (sunrpc/rpcgen) will -- crash! Either for
insufficient memory or bus error! I've tried even make clean && make,
same result.

After all it seems it isn't bug in 'stack' command (regarding to
source code it just reads and writes some number at certain offset)
but in the mintlib itself!

I've looked into crtinit.c & co but I haven't seen anything
suspicious... please, if you have some better knowledge, try to look
at this. This is the key for gcc4 compilation.

MiKRO / Mystic Bytes