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Re: [MiNT] NFS server

> --EasyMinT 1.70, nfs-server-2.2beta47-2
> Hello,
> once again i tried to install a NFS between my beloved Falcon/CT60 with MinT/XaAES/TeraDesk as
> NFS-server, an Ubuntu-Linux PC and my No.2-Falcon as clients. Connection established, the 'shared'
> directory (see /etc/exports below) is displayed correct with 'showmount -e <falcon-ip>' on both
> clients, but there are two problems when copying files:
> -ID-mapping (squashing):
>  If i copy a file from PC -> Server, the group-ID is mapped correct to '500' but the user-ID is
>  set to '0' (root) instead of '301' (see /etc/exports). When copying files from No.2-Falcon -> Server,
>  both UID and GID are mapped correct!!? Perhaps the server don't know about UIDs >= 1000 (on PC i'm
>  logged in as a 'normal user', UID=1000 GID=1000; not as 'root', so option 'no_root_squash' isn't
>  useful here).

> Not sure about this as I run the other way using MiNT as a client.

Which server do you use on Linux-PC (kernel-nfs or userspace-nfs)?? Which value do you set
for mtu (in /etc/sysconfig/config.inf or /etc/network/interfaces)?

>> -Copying large files:
>>  There's no problem with 'downloading' large files from server to both clients, but when i try to
>>  copy a large file from any client to server, copy-operation aborts after ~10-20 seconds (no matter
>>  if copying was started on desktop or in bash; bash reports 'write failure'). I tried different
>>  values for 'rsize' and 'wsize' in /etc/fstab on PC (and for the fourth entry in /etc/fstab on
>>  No.2-Falcon) with always same result.

> But I have run into this on several occasions, and resorted to scp'ing
> things around for now, until I get some time to look into the problem.

I found out more:
there seems to be a 'magical filesize barrier' when copying files to server (Falcon CT60/MinT)-
from No.2-Falcon to server, maximum filesize is 1360 bytes, one byte more and the copyaction aborts.
>From Linux-PC to server, max. filesize is  somewhere between 27000 bytes and 28000 bytes,
copyaction aborts with 'Input/output error' in bash.
Sometimes the size of the file which is (partly) saved on server now is correct, but the file
is not readable (or only shows empty bytes when opened with qed); sometimes the filesize is only a
multiple of 1024 (most 8192).
I hope we can sort this out.

Thanks for your reply,