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Re: [MiNT] qed

2009/8/13 Helmut Karlowski <helmut.karlowski@ish.de>:
> Am 13.08.2009, 12:16 Uhr, schrieb J. F. Lemaire <jflemaire@skynet.be>:
>> It's great to hear that someone is working on improving the AES. But
>> how about including those features into the official sources, so that
>> anyone may profit from them?
> I sent a bunch of changes to Frank Naumann somewhere in July. He did not
> reply yet. The first patch neded 4 weeks, so maybe there's hope. But things
> have changed since then again ...

Good to hear that. However, Frank is not the only one with write
access to the CVS I think. So maybe sending the patches to the
mintlist would make their inclusion faster.

Jean-François Lemaire