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Am 31.08.2009, 11:09 Uhr, schrieb Alan Hourihane <alanh@fairlite.co.uk>:

So the conclusion of this confusion is:

- use LF only in all repositories where gcc/make are involved.

- run dos2unix before diffing and after chekout, if you dont know what you have.

- use CRLF only in all repositories where pure-c is involved.

- run unix2dos before diffing and after chekout, if you dont know what you have.

We'll need an RFC for that ...

The misundestanding between Vincent and me was caused by different scenarions I think:

I diffed directly to the cvs-files, Vincent to his local orig-copies.

That leads to the next question:

Make the patch from local (unchanged) files or from what's in the cvs? I would think it's better to diff to the local files, because if the cvs-version has changed in the meantime, these changes would probably be deleted by patch. I don't know how smart the cvs is.

If someone can let me know which files are problematic I can do that.

win_draw.c, xa_vdi.c
