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Re: [MiNT] FreeMiNT & 68000

Alan Hourihane wrote:
Hi all,

So I've fixed the bug that was preventing FreeMiNT booting on normal
ST's. But unfortunately, there's more kernel problems running programs.

I'll need to tackle those next.


i am not sure but this is a document I have had for some time. it talks about optization for 68K in general. it was something I had for a project.

                   Optimizing 680x0 Applications

                 By  Tomas Evensen, Diab Data, Inc.

The Motorola 68K family consists of a wide range of members from the
micro-coded MC68000 to the super-scalar, hard-wired MC68060.

This paper will discuss the integer performance of the 68K family and ways 
   to optimize both for the individual processors as well as produce code 
   that runs well on any 68K processor.

In general, optimizations can take place on three different levels:

1. On the assembly level for code that is written in assembly language.

2. On the compiler level if the application is written in a high level
   language (i.e. C).

3. On the user level by changing algorithms.

We will discuss what can be done to optimize 68K code on all three levels.


The 68K family includes the following members:

   First generation 68K processor. 16 bit internal/external data paths. 16 
   Mb address space.

   8 bit external data path. 1-4 MB address space.

   Similar to MC68000, but with restartable instructions. Can be used in a 
   virtual memory environment. Loop mode.

   Low-power MC68000. 8 or 16 bit external data bus.

   32 bit virtual memory microprocessor. 32 bit internal/external data 
   paths. 4 GB address space. Can be used with floating point coprocessor. 
   New instructions added including bitfield instructions. New addressing 
   modes added. 256 bytes instruction cache.

   16 Mb address space.

   Similar to MC68020 but slightly faster. 256 bytes data cache added. On-
   chip MMU.

   Low-power MC68030. No MMU.

   Basically a 68020 core but without cache, bitfield instructions, and 
   memory indirect addressing modes. 16 bit external data path. No 
   coprocessor.  CPU32+ Same as CPU32 but with 32 bit external data path.

   Third generation 32 bit processor. 4K instruction cache. 4K data cache. 
   On chip floating point processor. On chip MMU. Most instructions take 
   one cycle.

   Low-power MC68040. No MMU. No FPU.

   Super scalar implementation of the 68K architecture. Can issue up to two 
   instructions per cycle. 8K instruction cache. 8K data cache.

   Similar to MC68060. No FPU. No MMU.

The following table summarizes the characteristics of the different members 
in the 68000 family:

68000     0/0       6     18      40      18     10/6     no      no
68020   256/0       2      6      28       9      6/4     yes    68881/2
68030   256/256     2      5      28       8      6/4     yes    68881/2
CPU32     0/0       2      9      26      12      8/4     no      no
68040    4K/4K      1      1      16       3      2/3     yes     yes
68060    8K/8K      1      1       2       1      0/1     yes     yes

 RAdd: Register to register 32 bit add (add.l  d0,d1).
 MAdd: Absolute long address to register add (add.l _mem,d1).
  Mul: 16x16 multiplication (max. time) (mulu.w d0,d1).
Index: Indexed addressing mode (move.l 2(a0,d0),d1).
  Bra: Byte conditional branch taken/not taken (bne.b label).
 UAcc: Unaligned access allowed (move.l 0xffff0001,d1).
 HWFP: Hardware floating point support.

When optimizing for the 68K family, we divide the members into the
following groups:

   Optimize for the following processors:


   Optimize for the following processors:


   Optimize for the following processors:


   Optimize for the following processors:


   Optimize so the code will execute reasonably on any 68K processor.


Since optimizations for one 68K processor can make another one execute
slower, it is fairly important to know the individual instruction
timings for each member.

Here are some examples of different ways of doing operations and the
preferred method for each 68K processor:

Operations with long immediate values between -128 and 127:

   A:   add.l   #20,d1        B:  moveq.l    #20,d0
                                  add.l      d0,d1

   68040/xx:     A
   68000/20/60:  B

Byte/word operations that could be replaced with long operations:

   A:   add.w   d0,d1         B:  add.l	d0,d2

   68000/xx:   A
   68020/40:   Any
   68060:      B

Keep memory operands in registers:

   A:  add.l   _var,d1       B:  move.l   _var,d0
       add.l   _var,d2           add.l    d0,d1
                                 add.l    d0,d2

   68040:           A (as long as total # of instructions are less)
   68000/20/60/xx:  B

Reschedule operations using address registers:

   A:  add.l   d0,d1        B:  move.l   (a1),a0
       move.l  (a1),a0          add.l    d0,d1
       move.l  (a0),d2          move.l   (a0),d2

   68000/20:     Any
   68040/60/xx:  B

Replace constant multiplications with adds/subs/shifts:

   A:  mulu.w   #254,d1      B:  move.l   d1,d0
                                 lsl.l    #8,d1
                                 lsl.l    #1,d0
                                 sub.l    d0,d1

   68060:           A
   68000/20/40/xx:  B

Operations using indexing modes:

   A:   add.l   (a0,d7),d1   B:   add.l   d7,a0
        add.l   (a0,d7),d2        add.l   (a0),d1
                                  add.l   (a0),d2

   68000/60:      A
   68020/40/xx:   B

Saving/restoring registers:

   A:   movem.l   d4-d7,-(a7)   B:  move.l   d7,-(a7)
                                    move.l   d6,-(a7)
                                    move.l   d5,-(a7)
                                    move.l   d4,-(a7)

   68000/20/60/xx:   A
   68040:            B (if time critical)

Summary of characteristics for each processor:

   Lacks 68020 instruction extensions:
      - No extb.l instruction
      - No 32 bit multiply
      - No scaled indexing mode
      - No 32 bit PC relative branches
   Use short instructions
   Keep values in registers
   No scheduling necessary
   Code optimized for 68020 or 68060 runs great

   Use short instructions
   Keep values in registers
   Almost no scheduling necessary
   Code optimized for the 68060 runs great

   Use as few instructions as possible (even if they are longer)
   Values can be kept in memory
   Avoid pipe-line stalls for some effective addresses
   Avoid subtracts to address registers

   Use short instructions
   Keep values in registers
   Schedule instructions for superscalar execution
   Inline short functions

   If the code is to be executed on a 68000 processor, the 68000 
   instruction subset must be used.
   Avoid bitfield instructions.
   Align all data.
   Schedule the instructions for an 68060.
   Avoid complex addressing modes (memory indirect).

Compiler level optimizations

When programming in a high level language, the speed of a given algorithm 
depends on the hardware (processor, frequency, memory system, etc.), the 
compiler (capability of doing optimizations and generating the fastest 
instruction sequence), and on the programming style. The better the 
compiler is, the less the programming style influences the resulting 

Rule: Let the compiler do the optimizations

By using an optimizing compiler the programs will stay much cleaner and 
will be easier to maintain if hand-optimizations is avoided.

The following example is a simple array copy in C:

 #define SIZE   1000
 int src[SIZE], dst[SIZE];

      int i;

       for(i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
          dst[i] = src[i];

A compiler without sophisticated optimizations might produce the
following code:

         move.l   d7,-(a7)
         clr.l    d7
         move.l   #_src,a0
         move.l   #_dst,a1
         move.l   (a0,d7*4),(a1,d7*4)
         addq.l   #1,d7
         cmp.l    #100,d7
         bne.b   .Loop
         move.l   (a7)+,d7
         rts      ; 1409 cycles (040)

An optimizing C compiler would generate something similar to the

         moveq.l   #25,d0
         move.l    #_src,a0
         move.l    #_dst,a1
         move.l   (a0)+,(a1)+   ; Loop is unrolled
         move.l   (a0)+,(a1)+   ; 4 times
         move.l   (a0)+,(a1)+
         move.l   (a0)+,(a1)+
         subq.l   #1,d0
         bne.b   .Loop
         rts                    ; 284 cycles (040)

By "hand-optimizing" the code, the programmer can improve the speed
when using a non-optimizing compiler:

   #define SIZE   1000
   int src[SIZE], dst[SIZE];

      int i, *s, *d;

      for(i = SIZE, s = src, d = dst; i != 0; i--) {
       *d++ = *s++;

The non-optimizing compiler will generate the following code:

         movem.l   d7/a4/a5,-(a7)
         moveq.l   #100,d7
         move.l    #_src,a4
         move.l    #_dst,a5
         move.l    (a4)+,(a5)+
         subq.l    #1,d7
         bne.b    .Loop
         movem.l   (a7)+,d7/a4/a5
         rts         ; 518 cycles (040)

To get the same execution speed as the optimizing compiler, the
hand-optimized code must also be unrolled, which is easy as long as
SIZE is a multiple of four, but harder in the general case. Also the
hand optimized code will run slower on many other architectures.

Another example:

      i += p[1];
      j += p[1];

A good 68K compiler will translate this code differently depending on
which 68K processor it generates code to:

      move.l   4(a5),d0   ; remember p[1] in d0
      add.l    d0,d7      ; i += p[1]
      add.l    d0,d6      ; j += p[1]

      add.l	4(a5),d7   ; i += p[1]
      add.l	4(a5),d6   ; j += p[1]

In the above case, trying to optimize the code in C will slow down the

      i += (tmp = p[1]);
      j += tmp;

As an example on how important the choice of compiler is, Motorola
improved their SPECint89 numbers for the 68040 processor by 29% just
by switching to a compiler that took advantage of the strengths of the
68040 processor.

Rule: Avoid taking the address of variables

In many cases it is impossible for the compiler to keep variables in
fast registers if their address is taken:

   int func1(int var) {
      return var;

If far_away1() modifies var, but does not save the address, the
following code is more efficient:

   int func1(int var) {
      var = new_far_away1(var);
      return var;

Rule: Use the static keyword

By using the static keyword for local functions and file local variables, 
the compiler can do a much better job optimizing. For example:

   static int si;

   void func2(int *p) {
      int j, i;
      i = si;
      *p = 0;
      j = si;

In this simple example the compiler knows that the *p = 0 statement does 
not kill the variable si since it is static and its address is not taken.


The most dramatic speed improvements of a program typically comes from
finding the bottle-necks and changing the algorithm to something more
efficient. For example by setting flags instead of re-calculating some
expressions or replacing a linear search with a hash table.

A profiler is a program that helps the programmer to find the code
that is executed the most. Typically the profiling is done in three

- Compiling the code with profiling enabled.
- Executing the program with typical input data.
- Displaying the profiling data, for example how many times each
  source line is executed.

After profiling, the programmer can examine the most frequently
executed source lines and re-write the bottle-necks.

Modern compilers take profiling one step further. By feeding the
profiling information back into the compiler, the optimizer can use
actual execution data to fine tune many optimizations, including the

Loop unrolling
   Only loops in time critical sections are unrolled

Function inlining
   Only functions in time critical sections are inlined

Partial inlining
   Functions that often return after the first conditional test can be 
   inlined up to that test 

Basic block reorganization
   Most executed block in if-then-else statement is placed at the end

Register allocation
   Variables actually used the most are put in registers


The characteristics of the different members of the 68K family varies
a great deal, which makes it impossible to write code that will run as
fast as possible on all processors. When writing programs in a high
level language, the compiler can do the processor specific
optimizations, but in assembly language a decision has to be made on
which processor to optimize for.