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Re: [MiNT] Missing clobbered register in gemlib
Helmut Karlowski wrote:
It doesn't clear to eol on scrolling (see snapshot).
Since I have this the Emutos-start-screen is colored, which was only B/W
before ..
You are probably in VGA 256 color mode. EmuTOS suports only the ST video modes.
This is because by default, ARAnyM uses the NVRAM settings for intializing
the video mode. If you force to VGA 16 colors (or 2) everything will be OK.
The simplest way yo do this is to press Pause, then click Video,
select "Monitor: VGA" and "Boot Depth: 16 colors", click apply.
Then click reboot.
Of course you can change the mode in the NVRAM, or in the ARAnyM's config file.
Note that the NVRAM is shared among all the ARAnyM virtual machines.
On Windows, it is stored here (for me, of course):
C:\Documents and Settings\vincent\aranym\nvram
You can delete this file to reset the defaults.
Vincent Rivière