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Re: [MiNT] XaAES: testdriver wanted

Am 11.12.2009, 12:37 Uhr, schrieb Paul Wratt <paul.wratt@gmail.com>:

Thanks for testing!
no need for full screen "yellow" pixel test (speed of bootup)

Really? ;-)

cant move Launcher File Selector
cant move Taskmanager

set the nomove to false:

app_options = xasys, thinwork = true, winframe_size = 3, xa_nomove = false, clwtna = 1, nolive = true app_options = aessys, thinwork = true, winframe_size = 3, xa_nomove = false, clwtna = 1, nolive = tue

Taskmanager has jerky down movement on slider (up is fine)


System locks up (crashes, I set AT???? as the last console output, but
it is too fast to get details)

? details? What is AT?

Opening System while Taskmanager is up causes lockup (probably the
same as above)

cannot reproduce

System should be movable also (if it is currently not)
cant move About dialog

see above xa_nomove.

About dialog has jerky down movement on slider (up is fine)


Various dialog aesthetics (see below)
cant move File Selector in other apps

xa_nomove (on the app?)

FileSelector has wierd redraw when resizing

cannot reproduce

FileSelector can not be resized from bottom

cannot reproduce

What happened to the Environment and Log (is this in System)


Can you move the load meter (bottom right maybe)


Can there be "tabs" for "Load", "Memory" and "Processes"


If Memory is kept on the process list, can it be [+]'ed like
sub-processes then provided in a list (not across the screen)

Maybe later

Is it possible for load and CPU% to be updated at intervals

Would be, matter of taste.

Can there be a "refresh" button for process/load update


Is there an internal icon for programs


About dialog, reverse Date and Target

Ok .. the beta would not display this anyway.

About dialog, Target should include 040/deb
About dialog, Date should not include GCC version (move to target?

Probably doable

what about non native GCC compiles)

You mean: cross-compiled? I just took what was there ...

Better process scroll list placement (space; in line with buttons; etc)


Can Change Resolution still be used on Falcon, TT, and others.

No - as in original.

Has the 16/256 color reference in the resource been fixed (as per
Mantis Bugtrack bug log #157)

I think not.

release, but I would prefer that included the couple of extras I have
already done (which only affect system resources if the extra textures
are used).

First get it into the cvs.

The above was just a preliminary, I will try and use it for a while
doing "regular things", see how it goes..

Tell me more!
