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Re: [MiNT] libgem16: vs_color

Helmut Karlowski wrote:

When I change the C-code to vdi_intin[1] = rgb[0], instead of *ptr++ = ..., the pointer vdi_params.control is even, but something else gets corrupted, which again leads to an odd pointer arriving at fvdi for the rgb-array.

I have done some annotation (see attachment) and I failed to see
anything wrong.
But it looks as if you have sent the good one, not the *ptr++ version.

Side note:
The stack frame size is long aligned, although at the
least effective end. Oops.
If you make VDI_CNTRLMAX even, all stack references will be
long aligned. :-)

Groeten; Regards.
Henk Robbers. http://members.chello.nl/h.robbers
Interactive disassembler: TT-Digger;  http://digger.atari.org
A Home Cooked C compiler:      AHCC;  http://ahcc.atari.org
/* tab size 8 */
vs_color (short handle, short index, short rgb[])
  short vdi_intin[4] = {0,0,0,0};
  short vdi_control[VDI_CNTRLMAX] = {0};
  short *ptr;

  VDI_PARAMS(vdi_control, vdi_intin, 0L, vdi_dummy, vdi_dummy );

  ptr = vdi_intin;

  *(ptr ++) = index;           /* vdi_intin[0] = index */
  if( (long)vdi_params.control & (long)1 )    <- this is true if arrays not  static!

   0: 4fef ffc0       lea %sp@(-64),%sp		-64
   4: 2f02            movel %d2,%sp@-		-4 = -68
   6: 342f 0048       movew %sp@(72),%d2 -68+72=4  handle
   a: 302f 004a       movew %sp@(74),%d0 -68+74=6  index
   e: 206f 004c       moveal %sp@(76),%a0 -68+76=8  &rgb (rgb_p)
  12: 42af 0022       clrl %sp@(34)		vdictrl + 0
  16: 42af 0026       clrl %sp@(38)			+ 4
  1a: 42af 002a       clrl %sp@(42)			+ 8
  1e: 42af 002e       clrl %sp@(46)			+12
  22: 42af 0032       clrl %sp@(50)			+16
  26: 42af 0036       clrl %sp@(54)			+20
  2a: 42af 003a       clrl %sp@(58)			+24
  2e: 426f 003e       clrw %sp@(62)			+28.w
  32: 42af 0006       clrl %sp@(6)		intin	+ 0
  36: 42af 000a       clrl %sp@(10)			+ 4
  3a: 43ef 0022       lea %sp@(34),%a1	&vdicntrl
  3e: 2f49 000e       movel %a1,%sp@(14)	--> pb + 0
  42: 43ef 0006       lea %sp@(6),%a1	&intin
  46: 2f49 0012       movel %a1,%sp@(18)	--> pb + 4
  4a: 42af 0016       clrl %sp@(22)		pb + 8
  4e: 2f7c 0000 0000  movel #0,%sp@(26)		pb + 12
  54: 001a
  56: 2f7c 0000 0000  movel #0,%sp@(30)		pb + 16
  5c: 001e

  5e: 3f40 0006       movew %d0,%sp@(6)		index  --> intin[0]
  62: 3f58 0008       movew %a0@+,%sp@(8)	rgb_p++ --> intin[1]
  66: 3f58 000a       movew %a0@+,%sp@(10)	rgb_p++ --> intin[2]
  6a: 3f50 000c       movew %a0@,%sp@(12)	rgb_p++ --> intin[3]

  6e: 43ef 000e       lea %sp@(14),%a1		&pb
  72: 2049            moveal %a1,%a0
  74: 2208            movel %a0,%d1		&pb --> d1
  76: 2050            moveal %a0@,%a0		&vdicntl --> a0
  78: 20fc 000e 0000  movel #917504,%a0@+	14,0,0,4,0,0 --> vdicntl
  7e: 20fc 0000 0004  movel #4,%a0@+
  84: 20fc 0000 0000  movel #0,%a0@+
  8a: 3082            movew %d2,%a0@		hdl --> vdicntl + 6
  8c: 303c 0073       movew #115,%d0
  90: 4e42            trap #2
  92: 241f            movel %sp@+,%d2
  94: 4fef 0040       lea %sp@(64),%sp
  98: 4e75            rts