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Re: [MiNT] libgem16: vs_color

Am 18.01.2010, 20:01 Uhr, schrieb Eero Tamminen <oak@helsinkinet.fi>:

Is  VDI_PARAMS() some kind of an inline assembly macro, and what it does?
It is a simple macro:

#define VDI_PARAMS(a,b,c,d,e) \
  VDIPB vdi_params;         \
  vdi_params.control = a;   \
  vdi_params.intin   = b;   \
  vdi_params.ptsin   = c;   \
  vdi_params.intout  = d;   \
  vdi_params.ptsout  = e;

I've seen a bug (on ARM) where (JIT-generated) assembly code violated
ARM is quite far away ...

the ABI stack alignment constraints which broke the assumption gcc
What is ABI stack alignment?

alignment on further function calls.  (gcc optimized alignment operation
on stack buffer away because it "knew" stack to be aligned)
I had a similar thought, so I added a char onto the stack, but of course  
this doesn't change anything.
It is all gcc here! I simply included the vs_color from gemlib into the  
XaAES-source, so there is no magic of any kind.
Helmut Karlowski