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Re: [MiNT] libgem16: vs_color

Am 19.01.2010, 21:31 Uhr, schrieb Eero Tamminen <oak@helsinkinet.fi>:

E.g. on newer ARM CPUs (and Linux kernel running on them), you can configure
whether CPU generates exceptions about alignment issues and whether
kernel will terminate the process when that happens, outputs a warning,
and/or silently fixups[1] the non-aligned accessed data. This can help in finding out & checking whether code does buggy or useful unaligned accesses.

Would be nice to have this on atari.

It will not be easy to find the place where the stack became odd, I'm afraid.

Unless someone fixed something yet unknown.

[1] Upstream Linux kernel has had bugs in this though for several ARM CPU
versions, resulting usually in the buggy code using 100% CPU and draining
the battery.

The battery? How's that? I hope it didn't blow the fuse!

Helmut Karlowski