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Re: [MiNT] XaAES & Photoline

Helmut Karlowski wrote:

Am 30.03.2010, 21:53 Uhr, schrieb Helmut Karlowski <helmut.karlowski@ish.de>:

But I will continue trying to get it to run on the TT+nvdi-ET4000.

Ran with ROM-AES: all ok.

With XaAES: If I select a popup-menu for "Ditherart": After I selected something the button is gone. Does this really not happen on your computer?

Did you mean that, Peter?

Seems to be XaAES-related.

historically there was the idea that there were major differences in the architecture of different cpus and OSes. the problem was that AES and the VDI is different on earlier machines. and non existent on later machines. if it were that simple it would be easy. but the cpu and the VDI have variations to confund the process.

I know this is not good news. but indicates that we need to set the standard higher. and not assume that simulators are acurate, but that testing needs to have machines of X class to test on. like I am trying to get my mega4 up and the hd working. but it is a problem .

