-------------------------------------------------- From: "Helmut Karlowski" <helmut.karlowski@ish.de> Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2010 7:55 AM To: "Paul Wratt" <paul.wratt@gmail.com>; "mint" <mint@lists.fishpool.fi> Subject: Re: [MiNT] 'cd' does not like u:
if $SYSDIR in to function for the shell (bash, sh, etc) t should contain /c/mint.., but how does this affect current TOS apps, is $SYSDIR used in its current form.Currently its only used to locate xaaes.km (any maybe other modules) AFAIK.
I use it in KeyEdit to find the current keyboard layout file.
Should the change rather be anything TOS/GEM getting a root (nix) dir auto resolve to U:/Maybe its possible to respect the Domain of the caller. MiNT: /c/, TOS: u:\c\.
I don't like this. MiNT is not unix. I'd rather see that the code that doesn't understand 'u:\...' is fixed.
Jo Even