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Re: [MiNT] XaAES:Singletask-mode

Am 27.04.2010, 17:36 Uhr, schrieb Peter Slegg <p.slegg@scubadivers.co.uk>:

From the 1.17 trunk version  xa bootlog
show mouse, return sucess
k_init returned OK
Opened alert pipe 'u:\pipe\alert' to 8
Opened keyboard device 'u:\dev\console' to 9
No wheel support
Using moose adi
Please check if there is a moose_w.adi in your xaaes-folder.

I had the awful situation where it gave me the fopen "press any
key to continue" error during starting xaaes and it took me ages
to get the machine to boot again.
What has happened? BTW: I always boot into a shell, and start xaaes  
manually, so I can exit it and when somethings wrong, I don't have to  
This error is horrible. Could it not drop into TOS or something
better than requiring a reboot ?
Yes - this could be improved. Maybe start the MIS-shell would be better.  
To boot into TOS you must say GEM=ROM, which clashes with INIT=xaloader or  
Also XaAES does not exit if it receives a bus-error etc. but just hangs.

Helmut Karlowski