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Re: [MiNT] key-repeat-bug on bootup

Helmut Karlowski wrote:
BTW: The repeat-fix does not work on TT.

Kbdvbase() returns a pointer to an array of IKBD vectors, named KBDVECS below. Just before this array, there is an additional vector named kbdvec. It is used when a keyboard-only packet is received, and can be used to simulate key press/releases without dealing with the ACIA.

From EmuTOS sources, in bios/aciavecs.S:

// In addition to the documented features, it was deemed necessary to add
// the following undocumented features, located in memory immediately before
// and after the documented part of the KBDVECS structure:
// struct UNDOCUMENTED {
//   void (*kbdvec)( UBYTE data );   /* KBD Input, TOS >= 2.0 */
//   KBDVECS kbdvecs;
//   char ikbdstate;
//   char kbdlength;
// };
//- kbdvec (undocumented feature of TOS >= 2.0) is called with the
//  received data byte in d0.

We must make a list of OS versions where this kbdvec vector exists, and use it only when available. Note that the actual routine has always existed as a private function in the TOS. When that vector is not available, we could even imagine jumping directly to the well-known ROM address determined form the OS version (would be very ugly).

We must keep in mind the final goal: its about stopping the key-repeat routine triggered by the VBL. Unfortunately the variable disabling the active key repeat is undocumented and its address is not the same between TOS versions. Thus I got the idea to access that variable indirectly by generating a fake key release.

Vincent Rivière