Am 05.05.2010, 12:47 Uhr, schrieb Peter Slegg <>:
Why not put xaloader somewhere in $PATH or the directory where init runs?Also $SYSDIR/xaaes/xaloader.prg would be better. It's not very polite by init not to tell what file it did not find.I have this in my mint.cnf ren u:\usr\bin\aes u:\usr\bin\xxxx sln c:\mint\1-17-cur\xaaes\xaloader.prg u:\usr\bin\aes the ren does not do anything though so to change anything I have to delete the sym link before rebooting. Is there anyway to make mint.cnf delete or rename the link ?
Try sln -f (not sure if it works).
Each verion of mint has it's own sln pointing to the required xaloader. In /etc/ttytab it has
I'm pretty sure the 1.17-loader also works with 1.16. So you only need one. -- Helmut Karlowski