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Re: [MiNT] Some suggestions about XaAES trunk

Am 08.08.2010, 19:31 Uhr, schrieb J. F. Lemaire <jflemaire@skynet.be>:


I've just installed trunk from freemint.org and I have a few very
small corrections to suggest for better consistency:
- remove the space in the XaAES menu between "Launch" and "...";
- add trailing dots after the menu entries "Task Manager", "System",
"Log" and "Resolution";
- "Quit all App" should be "Quit all Apps";
- capitalize "desk";
- get rid of the weird icons at the bottom of the System dialog and
the File Selector -- unless they have some use I'm missing.

I agree to all these. Some time ago Lars Schmidbauer was improving the resource-file, maybe he can be reactivated. But you can also give it a try for yourself.

Also, what is the difference between the "xaaes.rsc" and "xaaes009.rsc" files?


As you see, there's also an html-version of the doc for your convenience

Helmut Karlowski