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Re: [MiNT] XaAES: menus in windows - the Geneva way

Am 21.08.2010, 17:19 Uhr, schrieb Peter Persson <pep.fishmoose@gmail.com>:


Some time ago we had a colourful discussion about some shortcomings in the XaAES API for menus in windows

It seems Geneva has a new menu message for this, X_MN_SELECTED (0xE000):

Portion	Contents
msg[0]	0xE000
msg[3]	The object index of the menu title selected
msg[4]	The object index of the selected menu item
msg[5], [6]	The object tree of the menu item selected
msg[7]	The handle of the window containing the menu

Perhaps it could be an idea to clone this API from Geneva? This probably affects other parts of the implementation as well, but I haven't looked into it.

That's just one of the propositions.

But there are some other aspects that showed up in the thread. I will probably do something sometimes ;-)

But the information about geneva is good - so we can make it compatible.

Helmut Karlowski