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Re: [MiNT] Trace debug level crashes

Am 25.09.2010, 17:28 Uhr, schrieb David Gálvez <dgalvez75@gmail.com>:

2010/9/25 Helmut Karlowski <helmut.karlowski@ish.de>:
Am 24.09.2010, 22:20 Uhr, schrieb Helmut Karlowski

Am 24.09.2010, 17:11 Uhr, schrieb David Gálvez <dgalvez75@gmail.com>:


Setting the debug level to "TRACE" crashes the system during boot.

This small patch solves it.

Committed. Thanks.

After the commit there have been more changes in the main branch
sources than the changes done by my patch, i guess you are aware of

Yes, just noticed it - theses are optical changes that slipped from my branch into trunk.

Helmut Karlowski