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Re: [MiNT] Synergy

Am So, 28.11.2010, 15:23 schrieb Mark Duckworth:


> * if not, what are the preferred methods for injecting cursor movements
> and keystrokes into XaAES or any AES really.  I was looking over things
> and I don't see a clean way to do it.

Seems there is no clean way, I would expect appl_tplay to be the
high-level approach - but I don't know if it would be the cleanest...
And there seems to be problems with fvdi, kook here:

And now it's getting theoretically:
I believe triggering IKBD interrupt(s) would be nice - but I don't know if
all systems offer these IKBD interrupts. At least I don't think the
KBDVBASE struct was changed during OS versions... I don't know if this
would result in an spurious interrupt... But I don't think so - the
function pointers within KBDVBASE probably get called after filtering the
interrupt - and they probably don't check which Interrupt really happened.
Just a guess...

So you create your IKBD packets, make register A0 point to  one of that
packets and then you call kb_mousevec or kb_kbdsys - I would give it a try
Maybe the code requires to be called within an interrupt context when you
call that function - so maybe calling these function from within an VBL
handler would be an option, or maybe Supexec is enough...?
