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Re: [MiNT] [ctpci-user] Radeon XaAES Probs

On 12/24/10 3:31 AM, Helmut Karlowski wrote:
Am 24.12.2010, 02:48 Uhr, schrieb Mark Duckworth <mduckworth@atari-source.org>:
[1]+  Stopped                 xaaes

When I type fg, it continues, but the console still bleeds through and overwrites the screen. keystrokes get directed into the console too as well as jinnee or whatever app is topped. Then jinnee will start. Open and close a drive window or two and the screen will turn completely black....
This is with nvdi and mode 0x4325

I am posting this to the mint list too in case the prob is related to xaaes...
Any ideas?
Looks as you're not having xconout2 installed.

It wasn't at first (I disabled everything in an attempt to get everything running). In that case, the keystrokes bled thorugh to the console directly and ti overwrote my screen that way. After enabling xconout2 the keystrokes would bleed through to the toswin2 console view, and xaaes error/logging data would still overwrite the actual console and corrupt the screen.