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Re: [MiNT] [ctpci-user] Radeon XaAES Probs
> It wasn't at first (I disabled everything in an attempt to get everything
>running). In that case, the keystrokes bled thorugh to the console directly
> and ti overwrote my screen that way. After enabling xconout2 the keystrokes
>would bleed through to the toswin2 console view, and xaaes
> error/logging data would still overwrite the actual console and corrupt the
I don't get it.
You have keys continuously being automatically pressed or pressed by an
invisible man (i.e. no one is pressing but it happens) ?
Normally I will just press the keyboard once and the keyclicks goes away.
I also put a program called KEYOFF as my 2nd AUTO program in front of Xboot.
So this runs every time just in case I am lazy to hit the return button.