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Re: [MiNT] [ctpci-user] Radeon XaAES Probs

On 12/24/10 10:14 AM, WongCK wrote:
It wasn't at  first (I disabled everything in an attempt to get everything
running).  In  that case, the keystrokes bled thorugh to the console directly
and ti overwrote  my screen that way.  After enabling xconout2 the keystrokes
would bleed  through to the toswin2 console view, and xaaes
error/logging data would still  overwrite the actual console and corrupt the

I don't get it.
You have keys continuously being automatically pressed or pressed by an
invisible man (i.e. no one is pressing but it happens) ?

Normally I will just press the keyboard once and the keyclicks goes away.
I also put a program called KEYOFF as my 2nd AUTO program in front of Xboot.
So this runs every time just in case I am lazy to hit the return button.

No no, imagine this scenario. My falcon boots to a login prompt. I ssh in from a remote host and start xaaes from there. So my falcon is at a console prompt. Once I start xaaes, I will then open up a toswin2 shell. At this point I will have a drive prompt. if I type "ls" and hit enter, the drive prompt will then list the contents of my user folder. What I also see though is a prompt for "ls"'s password in the console view. The keystrokes are going to BOTH places. This is definitely related to CTPCI. Didn't start happening until I started trying to make it work, though I will try to make it work in videl again for test.
