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Re: [MiNT] XaAES working ?

Jo Even Skarstein wrote:
I get this on my Firebee with a trunk XaAES from a few days ago and the
kernel I checked out yesterday. The XaAES worked fine with previous

I have not tried XaAES on FireTOS/FireBee yet.
However I got that error on ARAnyM 2 days ago.

I hope I have not introduced some regression with my last patches. Probably not, since my build from yesterday worked perfectly on ARAnyM...

Alan, I don't know which compiler you use for your daily builds. I have reintroduced the usage of the m68020-60/mshort multilib in gcc-4.4.3-mint-20100123 and later. If your GCC is older, -lgem will link the wrong GemLib. The -lgem16 trick still have to be used in that case.
However we have absolutely no clue the problem comes from the GemLib.

Also, better traces from XaAES would be welcome when something crashes.

Vincent Rivière