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Re: [MiNT] Fwd: gradients,FreeMiNT 1.18

On Sat, Jul 30, 2011 at 5:55 AM, Helmut Karlowski
<helmut.karlowski@ish.de> wrote:
> Currently it happens that gradient and texture are both applied if I'm
> not wrong - at least textured objects look different with or without gradients.
if gradients were set (>0) then the images are not loaded into texture
objects. the gradients are applied somewhere else in the code, around
the time of the first draw IIRC. I did notice that the gradient (in
texture objects) affected more different objects that the textures
did, some of the image texture (objects) are reused in the code

> Don't know what you mean: there allways 16 rgb-triplets, and all
> gradients have the same size.
> ..
> When you only care for the rgb-values it's really easy! But who knows
> what the 5 methods do?
check the source I posted, (from memory) there are:
left -> right - color1-color2 (right -> left)
top -> bottom - color1-color2 (bottom -> top)
l2r color1->color2-color3 (r2l) with optional steps
t2b color1->color2-color3 (b2t) with optional steps
not sure what the other one is, maybe "dimple effect"
(t2b+l2r+color1-color2-color1) like for widgets

> They all have numbers, and it's not necessary to write all of them into
> a file, the missing ones remain unchanged in XaAES.
I was thinking about the memory block that gets created at boot time,
if all structs use the largest definition (the algorithm that has the
most data) then replacing that memory block becomes a lot easier

>> anyway, in the meantime, at least people can start playing, and (more)
>> easily get results
> I've added a quick hack to load a gradient-file at runtime:
> $echo -n "#\$#0<filename>" >/pipe/alert
> Works, but only newly created windows are affected, and old memory is
> not freed. Don't know if this is useful.
thanks, this might work for preview, if you can also unload
that is a start, is there a way to "unload" that same grd file. or
load an empty one

> $echo -n "#$" re-reads the xaaes.cnf, but of course gradients are not
> affected by this.
> -Helmut
cat you also make it read a specific config, like:
$echo -n "#$<filename.cnf>"

I will have a play, see how useful they are, try to do the black and
white ones I promised
