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Re: [MiNT] Fwd: gradients,FreeMiNT 1.18

Am 29.07.2011, 20:42 Uhr, schrieb Paul Wratt <paul.wratt@gmail.com>:

When you only care for the rgb-values it's really easy! But who knows
what the 5 methods do?

check the source I posted, (from memory) there are:
left -> right - color1-color2 (right -> left)
top -> bottom - color1-color2 (bottom -> top)
l2r color1->color2-color3 (r2l) with optional steps
t2b color1->color2-color3 (b2t) with optional steps
not sure what the other one is, maybe "dimple effect"
(t2b+l2r+color1-color2-color1) like for widgets

Ok - that's a start.

I was thinking about the memory block that gets created at boot time,

There's nothing created - it's fixed in the binary data in XaAES and loaded from the kernel.

if all structs use the largest definition (the algorithm that has the
most data) then replacing that memory block becomes a lot easier

Get a C-book ;) Of course all have same size.

thanks, this might work for preview, if you can also unload

unload is not possible, but you might re-load your original (e.g. default.grd).

that is a start, is there a way to "unload" that same grd file. or
load an empty one

Sure! A gradient is disabled (off) when n_steps < 0.

cat you also make it read a specific config, like:
$echo -n "#$<filename.cnf>"

Maybe later.

I will have a play, see how useful they are, try to do the black and
white ones I promised

Yeah! Waiting for more cool grd-files to add to the cvs :)

Helmut Karlowski