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Re: [MiNT] gradients,FreeMiNT 1.18

On Fri, 29 Jul 2011 11:00:18 +0200, Helmut Karlowski <helmut.karlowski@ish.de> wrote:

How is the binary produced? From a C file?

Yes. Actually it's an .o-file.

This sounds complex... It's been a while since I looked at the gradient
stuff in XaAES, but IIRC each gradient is defined in a simple struct. So
it doesn't have to be more complex than creating an external application
to define the gradients, same them in a binary format and then load these
in XaAES. It would be a direct replacement of the compiled-in struct.


> I think Helmut has a good/working alternate solution, if XaAES is

I don't know how Helmut's solution works. But if it requires gcc and make

You need gcc or pure-c, not nessecarily make.

to compile the gradients then I think it's overkill... The gradients could
even be defined in a text file like the keyboard-tables, and compiled to
binary format using mktbl.

To me the c-files for gradients are a lot easier to edit than the
keyboard-source-files, so that would not help much apart of the additional work/error-source.

Sorry, but this sounds absurd to me... You are using gcc to compile a C-file into an object, and then add code to XaAES to load this object file at run-time. To me this is almost like if mint.cnf was mint.c "because it's easier". Yes, it's easier to leave the text parsing to gcc and just load a binary, but only for the developer.

What is a gradient? It's very simple: A start colour, a end colour and a direction. The colours inbetween are calculated. If a user wants to edit a gradient, he would probably just want to edit the start- and end-colours. Most people won't even have gcc on their Ataris (I don't). I'm quite sure that there must be an easier way to create and load those grd-files. I can maybe do this if you can explain to me in more detail how gradients are defined in XaAES.

Jo Even