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Re: [MiNT] Fileselector

Am 30.07.2011, 19:04 Uhr, schrieb Peter Slegg <p.slegg@scubadivers.co.uk>:

On Sat, 30 Jul 2011 18:51:20 , "Helmut Karlowski" <helmut.karlowski@ish.de> wrote:
Am 30.07.2011, 18:35 Uhr, schrieb Peter Slegg <p.slegg@scubadivers.co.uk>:
> I noticed that the underscore in the Cancel button is misaligned.

What do you mean? Too high/low or what?
It is to the right of the l in Cancel eg. Cancel_
So you seem to have drives A:, C:, E: L:, and N:.

In this case the only solution would be to not draw the underscore, but currently you can still cancel the fileselector with Alt+Blank.
> Also, when the selector is moved, the underlying window isn't
> redrawn.  It would be nice if the selector could be resized too.

The fileselector could always be resized (move the mouse pointer over a
border and when the form changes move the mouse while left or right
mouse-button is down).
The mouse pointer doesn't change and it can't be resized here.
I cannot reproduce this. Please post your xaaes.cnf.

Helmut Karlowski