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Re: [MiNT] MiNTLib Patchlevel 49

On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 7:27 PM, Gerhard Stoll <gerhard_stoll@gmx.de> wrote:
> Vincent Rivière wrote:
>> If you redistribute a binary, you must also redistribute the source
> The probelm for me is where is the best place to upload this Version?
> I make some changes in the PL49 and rename them to PL49a.
> Gerhard
I was thinking about this when I started the Skeleton Project on
Atariforge. (tos, gem and posix app skeletons for various programming
languages, incl. multi-C compatible, ACC+TOS+GEM apps, etc)

I suggest open Atariforge project, something that covers "latest
libraries for _any_ dev environment", where you can get the last known
good release of any librrary binary, debug version,  and its source
(incl if seperate packages).

I also suggest upload to kurobox, and I think some people still have
access to funet:

an post it on this thread too

you will be able to find it on one of those sites in another 10 yrs
