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Re: [MiNT] Thing 1.29 background image

On Mon, 2012-10-22 at 20:46 +0200, Piotrek wrote:

> Could you help me, I was looking for in xaaes.cnf or myaes.cnf, but I 
> did not find where to set the, Can you tell me how to do it ?

>From the Firebee FreeMiNT distribution:

>1. Display a picture with zView. It's recommended to use a picture
>   with the same proportions as your screen. Note: The FireBee
>   wallpapers in various proportions and resolutions can be found
>   in c:\mint\wallp\.
>2. Display it in fullscreen by pressing <F10>.
>3. Press the following keyboard combination:
>   Control+Alt+":"
>   You might have to press Shift to get the ":", e.g. Shift+".". In
>   that case the keyboard combination will be Control+Alt+Shift+".".

The key point is (3). This key combination will take a snapshot of the
current screen and use it as desktop background.

Jo Even