Vincent Rivière, 28.12.2012 18:21:58:
In xaaes/ Line 591: # clwtna = <value> default: 1 Line 694:app_options = default,thinwork = true, winframe_size = 2, xa_nomove = false, clwtna = 0, nolive = trueThis is misleading: first we learn that the clwtna default is 1, then it is overridden with app_options = default, clwtna = 0.
It is misleading, but you're the first to notice that.
So the actual default from example.cnf is clwtna = 0, this is why it has to be manually set to 1 for toswin2 in order to get the right behavior.We should really provide a simple and user friendly settings in the default XaAES example.cnf.
What is user-friendly, actually? I don't know why the default was changed 0. It's left alone in the example.cnf now.
-- Helmut Karlowski