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Re: [MiNT] Country codes

If I understand the issue:

There is no application that I know that has a greek translation, is still used by anyone and it has multiple languages in the resource files. Every program that had a Greek translation,or was in Greek, it was either within the application or it loaded a greek rsc file, so the AKP cookie value isn't relevant. Furthermore, there are two active greek atari users that  actually care. The response is, choose any value you want, as far as current applications are concerned, it's irrelevant.

Now I understand that some authors are using these values for their own applications. So if they are anticipating a greek translation for them and they want a specific value then it's up to them to suggest it. As far as greeks are concerned, do what you want, it doesn't matter.

Furthermore, the greek language support for the atari is useless at the moment. It's only valid for Ataris and old PC's up to Windows 98 and incompatible with today's standard. If someone understands those issues and would like to fix this issue I would like to help but I don't understand them enough or I am capable to code a solution.

Best Regards