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Re: [MiNT] Software packaging (was: opkg / coldmint)

> So, an simple installation script for pkg files is easy,
>  and it works at the best speed. But it won't be able to keep track
>  of installed files... Is that acceptable? I don't think so...

Keeping track of installed files on a plain Atari normally is just one
of either:
- is it on the revelant floppy?
- is it in the installation directory on the harddisk?

Exceptions are only ACCs and AUTO folder programs.

Keeping track is only necessary if the Unix filesystem structure with
decentral installation of software (e.q. spreading files in x folders)
is enforced.

I agree people might want this, but always keep in mind that ordinary
Atari users do not. It is a reason why they love Atari, the simplicity.

Maybe we can agree on having both unixoid packaging and normal packages?

If I want Unix, I don't go for an Atari. My PC is doing that ways better
with any Linux distribution.

Matthias Arndt <marndt@asmsoftware.de>
PGP-Key: http://www.final-memory.org/files/marndt.asc
Jabber: simonsunnyboy@atari-jabber.org