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Re: [MiNT] Release TODO list

On 01/08/13 14:01, Vincent Rivière wrote:

I have added a new page to the wiki, named "Release TODO list":

Basically, the idea is to keep track of what has to be done (or to be dropped) before next release. When the "Will be done for the release" section becomes empty, it is time for release.

Of course, items can be moved between sections, depending on what has already been fixed, what we decide to do or not to do, etc.

I have already added some items to that page.
Feel free to add yours.

Hi Vincent,

I'm going to look at the stat() bug again this weekend, but given this is a TOS only bug in mintlib, it shouldn't hold up the FreeMiNT release.

Can you update your TODO page with what realistically you think you can get done.

I want to release at the end of the month.

